I am new to Meteor but acquired some fair knowledge of this framework. I am creating one App in which I have to Build a Category Management Module, I am using a Category collection for this and in the document my values are like this
I have tried few things to make it recursive, but failed to do it, what I need is a drop down which contains all the categories with their children. like this:
I would appreciate if anyone here can help in this issue:
Right Now what I am doing is fetching me to only 2 levels, I mean Top Parent and a Sub Child, I want unlimited levels for this, I know it might be possible through recursive function, but unable to find the way
<template name="categoryselect">
<select id="category" name="category" class="category">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
{{#each get_categories}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
{{#each get_sub_categories}}
{{> subcategoryselect}}
<template name="subcategoryselect">
<option value="{{_id}}">--{{name}}</option>
Template Helpers :
'get_categories': function(){
return Categories.find({parentID:''});
'get_sub_categories': function(){
return Categories.find({parentID:this._id});
Here's a tested solution:
<template name="categoryselect">
<select id="category" name="category" class="category">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
{{#each get_categories}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
get_categories: function() {
var results = [];
var mapChildren = function(category, level) {
// add the appropriate number of dashes before each name
var prefix = Array(2 * level).join('--');
results.push({_id: category._id, name: prefix + category.name});
// repeat for each child category
var children = Categories.find({parentID: category._id}).fetch();
_.each(children, function(c) {
// make sure to increment the level for the correct prefix
mapChildren(c, level + 1);
// map each of the root categories - I'm unsure if the parent
// selector is correct or if it should be {parentId: {$exists: false}}
_.each(Categories.find({parentID: ''}).fetch(), function(c) {
mapChildren(c, 0);
// results should be an array of objects like {_id: String, name: String}
return results;