I am trying to bring a php variable into my javascript code to use for a countdown timer. Because of the other functions happening based on the timestamp php variable, I need to to be in php as well.
<?php $access = '1443907640'; ?>
$(function() {
var access = <?php echo $access ?>;
var note = $('.note'),
ts = (new Date(access * 1000)).getTime() + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
timestamp: ts,
callback: function(days, hours, minutes, seconds) {
var message = "";
message += days + "<small class='opacity'>D</small>, ";
message += hours + "<small class='opacity'>H</small>, ";
message += minutes + "<small class='opacity'>M</small>, ";
message += seconds + "<small class='opacity'>S</small>";
Then I call call it with html here but doesn't work
<div class="note"></div>
I think the real problem in your code is in the end of this line :
var note = $('.note'),
Replace ,
by ;
and it should work.
NOTE : line var access = <?php echo $access ?>;
work fine in my test.
To solve the following error :
TypeError: $(...).countdown is not a function
You should add jquery.countdown
script :
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.countdown/2.1.0/jquery.countdown.js"></script>
Hope this helps.