Eclipse (mars)
Wildfly 8.2.0 Final
Issue: Everytime i create a maven project
So, everytime i have to
This is a real frustrating thing to do. Tried to
Would be very greatful if someone
Please note that i am able to resolve the issues (eclipse errors and m2e errors) but looking for a smarter solution to avoid menial work every time!
Thanks in advance, Rakesh
The default settings you see come from default maven plugin settings.
The goal for m2e is to stay as close as what an actual Maven CLI build would produce. So if you want your project to build in command line or a CI server, you need to have these maven plugin settings.
In your workflow, you actually don't need to do steps #2 and #3. Executing Maven > Update project configuration (or Ctr+Alt+F5), will take care of that. You can also enable Automatic Project configuration update in Preferences > Maven (since m2e 1.6), so all you have to do is do your pom changes and save the file.
If you want to have more control on these maven settings during project creation however, you have 2 options:
A third solution would be to create a project from an existing Maven archetype. You can try wildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype, from the Maven Central catalog, to create a JavaEE 7 web project for instance ( (http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails%7Corg.wildfly.archetype%7Cwildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype%7C8.2.0.Final%7Cmaven-archetype). Using JBDS or JBoss Tools Maven integration (http://tools.jboss.org) you'll have access to the Maven Central Archetype catalog by default. Else, you can add it yourself in Preferences > Maven > Archetypes > Add Remote Catalog... Use http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/ for the catalog file, and whatever description you like.