I've been learning React and Flux over the past few months, and one thing I've not yet dealt with is displaying error messages to users. Specifically, error messages that occur as a result of an ajax http request within a flux action creator method.
A simple example is user sign in - if the sign in ajax request fails due to a bad password, the server responds with the failure. At that moment, within my flux action creator method, my only option is to dispatch an action containing the error information, right?
I can dispatch the error information and keep that error in a store. I'm not sure what the best way to tie certain errors to certain components is, though. Lets say my react component tree is rendering multiple error-aware components, but an error occurs during server-side user auth attempt and needs to be displayed on that sign in form.
Is there good pattern or convention for storing errors and knowing which component they're for? Is there a programmatic way of determining this, instead of passing in some identifier to every action creator function that identifies the component the action creator is called it, etc?
Since you marked the question with Redux tag, I'm assuming you use Redux.
If so, this real-world example shows error handling.
There's a reducer that reacts to any action with error
// Updates error message to notify about the failed fetches.
function errorMessage(state = null, action) {
const { type, error } = action;
if (type === ActionTypes.RESET_ERROR_MESSAGE) {
return null;
} else if (error) {
return action.error;
return state;
The custom API middleware puts any error message into error
field on the action:
return callApi(endpoint, schema).then(
response => next(actionWith({
type: successType
error => next(actionWith({
type: failureType,
error: error.message || 'Something bad happened'
Finally, the component reads the error message from Redux store:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
errorMessage: state.errorMessage
As you can see, this is not any different from how you'd handle displaying fetched data.