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rake db:migrate is not creating user table

I have the following migrations

enter image description here

Problem is that rake db:migrate is not executing the first migration and no users table is created.

What could be the reason for this?

enter image description here


  • What could be the reason for this?

    Main reason is probably that you've already ran the migration - or perhaps later migrations - and Rails therefore does not think it needs to run it.

    A good way to see if this is the case is to open your db/schema.rb file:

    enter image description here

    You'll see the latest migration your schema is running. If this supersedes the one you're trying to invoke, it will not run.



    You could generate a new migration, and copy the code over:

    $ rails g migration AddUsers2

    You'd then add the following:

    class AddUsers2 < ActiveRecord::Migration
       def change
          create_table :users do |t| 
            t.string :name

    Alternatively, you could wipe your DB and start again. This can be achieved using rake schema:load. THIS WILL WIPE ALL DATA AND START AGAIN