I have string
that reads ParseGeoPoint[30.132531,31.312511]
. How can I get the coordinates saved in double
variables. i.e. I want to have double lat = 30.132531;
and double lang = 31.312511;
Here is what I have tried:
String myText = "ParseGeoPoint[30.132531,31.312511]";
String [] latlong= myText.split("["); //it needs an escape character
String [] latlong2= latlong[1].split(",");
Double lat = Double.parseDouble(latlong2[0]);
String[] latlong3= latlong2[1].split("]");//also an escape character is needed here
Double lang = Double.parseDouble(latlong3[0]);
Two things: How to split on the square bracket given that it needs an escape character? Second, I feel it is too much to do it in this way. There must be simpler way. What is it?
How to split on the square bracket given that it needs an escape character?
I guess you mean that this doesn't compile:
String [] latlong= myText.split("[");
To make it compile, escape the [
String [] latlong= myText.split("\\[");
Here's another way to extract the doubles from the string using regular expressions:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("ParseGeoPoint\\[([\\d.-]+),([\\d.-]+)]");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(myText);
if (matcher.matches()) {
lat = Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(1));
lang = Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(2));
Another way is using substrings:
int bracketStartIndex = myText.indexOf('[');
int commaIndex = myText.indexOf(',');
int bracketEndIndex = myText.indexOf(']');
lat = Double.parseDouble(myText.substring(bracketStartIndex + 1, commaIndex));
lang = Double.parseDouble(myText.substring(commaIndex + 1, bracketEndIndex));