I would like to do the following. I would like to create a categories page that loads each category onto a picture. Then when a user clicks a category the parameter would show up on the url and it will search the database for photos based on that category. I will now demonstrate the code that I have.
Categories HTML File:
<template name="categories">
<div class="text-center light-container" id="categories-section">
{{#each categories}}
<div class="image-container">
<a href="{{pathFor route='categoryPage'}}">
<img class="freezeframe pics" src="images/app/sphere.jpg"/>
Categories JS File:
var categoryList = ['actions', 'animals', 'anime', 'art/design', 'cartoons/comics', 'celebrities',
'Emotions', 'Food/Drink', 'Games', 'History', 'Holidays', 'Memes', 'Movies', 'Music', 'Nature', 'News/Politics',
'Science', 'Sports', 'Technology', 'TV'];
for(var i = 0; i < categoryList.length; i++){
return categoryList[i];
Router JS File:
Router.route('/categories', {
name: 'categories',
template: 'categories',
fastRender: true
Router.route('/categories/:category', {
name: 'categoryPage',
template: 'categoryPage',
data: function(){
var category = this.params.category;
return GifsCollection.find({category: category});
fastRender: true
CategoryPage JS:
// Load 16 most recent ones
// When down arrow is click load another 16 more gifs
gifs: function() {
var category = this.params.category;
return GifsCollection.find({category: category}, {fields: {_id: 1, image: 1} });
Running the following code doesn't get me anywhere. I'm not sure which path to take. I can create a 'category' collection and load the helpers onto there or I can use sessions? but I'm leaning onto creating category collection however I'm pretty sure there is a much more efficient way.
Any feedback and code help would be greatly appreciated!!!
You have two small errors. One we already discussed in comments, regarding the helper. The other is in how you use the #each
loop: inside of it you can just refer to this
to get the string of your category.
Categories HTML File:
<template name="categories">
<div class="text-center light-container" id="categories-section">
{{#each categories}}
<div class="image-container">
<a href="/categories/{{this}}">
<img class="freezeframe pics" src="images/app/sphere.jpg"/>
Categories JS File:
var categoryList = ['actions', 'animals', 'anime', 'art/design', 'cartoons/comics', 'celebrities',
'Emotions', 'Food/Drink', 'Games', 'History', 'Holidays', 'Memes', 'Movies', 'Music', 'Nature', 'News/Politics',
'Science', 'Sports', 'Technology', 'TV'];
return categoryList;