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Doctrine DBAL - SELECT join two tables, with a prefix in the keys of the result

I'm currently using doctrine dbal for my database queries. I'm also using the querybuilder. And I was wondering how I could select two tables and get the results in an array that has prefixed keynames for one of the tables joined.

Here is an example of the desired result:

$data   = [
    key1 => 'value1',
    key2 => 'value2',
    key3 => 'value3',
    key4 => 'value4',
    table2.key1 => 'value1',
    table2.key2 => 'value2',
    table2.key3 => 'value3',



  • I have just faced with the same problem and I resolved it in next way:

    $result = $this->createQueryBuilder('comments')
                ' as id',
                'comments.post_id as postId',
                'comments.userId as userId',
                'comments.userName as userName',
                'comments.userEmail as userEmail',
                'comments.parentId as parentId',
                'comments.postedAt as postedAt',
                'comments.status as status',
                'comments.comment as comment',
                'user.fullname as user_userName',
                ' as user_email',
                  'Entity\User', 'user',
                  'comments.userId ='
          ->where('comments.post_id=:postId')->setParameter('postId', $postId)

    So, to add prefixes to table data, just declare them into "select" statement as

    table.var1 as prefix_var1, table.var2 as prefix_var2

    and the result will be

        prefix_var1 => value,
        prefix_var2 => value,

    one more thing that you can do, when you declare select as:

    table1, table2.var1 as prefix_var1, table2.var2 as prefix_var2

    you will get the next result

        0 => [ // it's come from table1
               var1 => value,  
               var2 => value,
        prefix_var1 => value, // it's come from table2
        prefix_var2 => value, // it's come from table2