If I have a module defined like this:
module mux_1x2(in, out, select);
and I need 32 of them, I know that using structural coding I can do:
mux_1x2 mux01(in[0], out[0], select);
mux_1s2 mux02(in[1], out[1], select);
But how can I use behavioral programming to make 32 of these in some sort of loop without having to explicitly define each one?
edit: Just for context, I'm trying to make a 2-stage 64-bit carry-select adder
You can use a generate block: (IEEE1364-2001 and above)
genvar gidx;
for(gidx=0; gidx<32; gidx=gidx+1) begin : loop
mux_1x2 mux(in[gidx], out[gidx], select);
Or array the instance: (IEEE1364-1995 and above)
mux_1x2 mux[0:31] ( .in(in) , .out(out) , .select(select) );
Or parameterize:
module mux_1x2 #(parameter WIDTH=1) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, output [WIDTH-1:0] out, input select);
// ...
// ...
mux_1x2 #(32) mux ( .in(in) , .out(out) , .select(select) );