I have a shared Windows folder:
This is how I access it from Java code running on Windows OS:
// \dir
String directory = getInitParameter ("directory");
// /warname
final String contextPath = this.getServletContext().getContextPath();
// \dir/warname
directory += (directory.endsWith("/") ? contextPath.substring(1) : contextPath);
// //servername.domain.com/\dir/warname
directory = "//" + getDatabaseServerName() + (directory.startsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + directory;
// \\servername.domain.com\dir\warname
File shareDir = new File(directory);
if (!shareDir.exists()) {
if (!shareDir.mkdirs()) {
throw new Exception ("Error: " + shareDir + " does not exist and could not be created.");
From this point forward, I can access the \servername.domain.com\dir\warname and write to it.
If this code runs on Linux server, this is what I get:
directory: //servername.domain.com/\dir/warname
shareDir: /severname.domain.com/\dir/warname
And then the above exp. will be thrown:
java.lang.Exception: Error: /servername.domain.com/\dir/warname does not exist and could not be created.
So it tries to create a new dir and it fails.
How can I point to the same shared Windows folder from Linux?
I did Google search it but was not able to find the solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You may need to install the SMB client on Linux. See this article on how to do that: http://www.howtogeek.com/176471/how-to-share-files-between-windows-and-linux/