I'm studying providers in AngularJS but I am a beginner in AngularJS and not very experienced in javascript.
I was looking in AngularStrap code and found that the modal provider (src\modal\modal.js) returns a function instead of an object:
this.$get = function($window, $rootScope, $bsCompiler, $animate, $timeout, $sce, dimensions) {
return ModalFactory;
Why is the function returned instead of the concrete object.
In my understanding, in this case, the service can't act like a singleton, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Angular service instances can be anything (except service
service because it uses constructor function to create an object with new
The value returned by $get
is saved as service instance when the service is being injected the first time. This instance is returned during all subsequent dependency injections within the same app, $get
won't be called again, that is why the services are singletons.