i am using wicket 6.19
There was a need to replace wicket's existing wicket-ajax-jquery.js
in the application because of a bug in it which causes t he timers to freeze after you download a file.
So, the fix was to use unload
event instead of beforeunload
event in the said js this fix is available in 6.20 onwards.
Since i cannot upgrade to higher versions due to some constraints i was trying this manual patch to make it work.
But now when i see the HTML after page gets loaded the order of js import changes.
First the wicket-ajax-jquery.js
is loaded and then the jquery.js
followed by wicket-event-jquery.js
Need help here to get this working.
How do you patch Wicket's JavaScript file?
A simple solution is to replace it in your application:
addResourceReplacement(WicketAjaxJQueryResourceReference.get(), new PackageResourceReference(getClass(), "wicket-ajax-jquery-patched.js"));