I have a list of components (all the same)
<ul class="search-results">
{{#each res as |item|}}
{{search-result item=item}}
I'd like to add a class on the clicked element, and, when a new element is clicked, the old element should become "unclicked" (aka, remove the class).
Which is the best way to obtain this result?
Add activeItem
to controller (wrapper component) and send it down to all search-result
components. Activate item through sending action activate
// template
<ul class="search-results">
{{#each res as |item|}}
{{search-result item=item activeItem=activeItem activate="activate"}}
// controller (wrapper component)
activeItem: null,
actions: {
activate(item) {
this.set('activeItem', item);
// search-result component
activeItem: null,
isActive: Ember.computed('item', 'activeItem', function() {
return (this.get('item') === this.get('activeItem'));
click() {
this.sendAction('activate', this.get('item'));