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wso2 - esb payloadfactory - get inner element

I have this input:


what I've done is:

<payloadFactory media-type="xml">
        <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:req="" xmlns:soapenv="">
        <arg evaluator="xml" expression="//req:request/req:element1/req1:field1"
             xmlns:req="" xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"/>
        <arg evaluator="xml"
             xmlns:req="" xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"/>

I tried this on ESB but I've this error

The system cannot infer the transport information from the /services/

My question is: how can I put the deeper element "field1" to MyElement1 ?

Thanks in advance

BR Claudio


  • While searching on your error I have found a blog post saying how to handle the error you got.

    Please try out these solutions.