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Eclipse RCP: Display.getDefault().asyncExec waits more than 4000ms to execute

I am using TreeViewer and creating Job to refresh Treeview that is added 4k - 5k nodes. In Refresh Job, I call Display.getDefault().asyncExec to execute getTreeViewer().refresh() method. However, I have faced the problem that getTreeViewer().refresh() has to wait 4000ms or more than that to run. This is in Ubuntu and Windows has to wait more than 30000ms.

i don't know why it has to wait for long time to execute.


  • asyncExec runs as soon as possible on the SWT User Interface thread. So if it is being delayed something else must be using that thread. Since you have a large tree it is probably the TreeViewer building the tree that is causing the delay (unless you are running something that take a long time in the UI thread).

    For a large tree you may need to look at creating the tree with the SWT.VIRTUAL style and use a ILazyTreeContentProvider content provider.