One of my headers files queue.h
has a structure with has a structure defined in another file, pathing.h
. queue.h
includes pathing.h
, but not vice versa. The compiler, gcc, is telling me that the structure is an incomplete type. Multiple files in the project include both of them, but I made sure they include pathing.h
first. I have look at various post with the same problem, but they seemed to be caused by forward declaration or circular inclusion. As far as I can tell, mine isn't.
#include "pathing.h"
typedef struct _queue{
struct queue* below;
struct point_t value;
point_t pop(queue* a);
point_t peek(queue a);
void add(queue* a, point_t pointer);
#ifndef _pathing_
#define _pathing_
typedef unsigned char byte_t;
typedef struct _point_t{
int x;
int y;
int exec(int argc,char* arg[]);
typedef struct _queue{
// This is a typo. You are missing the _ before queue.
// struct queue* below;
struct _queue* below;
struct point_t value;
Regarding point_t
, there is no such thing as struct point_t
in your code. You can use:
struct _point_t value;
point_t value;