Is it possible to dynamic highlight points, for example data is
2015/08/09 10:55:46,-54.
, in -54
a point is plotted, I need a dynamic highlight on top and bottom say -54+10 = -44, -54-10 = -64.,
So whenever new data is updated say 2015/08/10 10:55:46,-14.
, top +10
and bottom -10
i.e data point will be in center and its highlighted around it with +-10., so -14 will be center and highlight top will be -14 + 10 = -4
and for highlight bottom -14 - 10 = -24
., gradually value will be updated and dynamic highlight also should move along with point.
has already a function for this.
Your data must e.g. look like this:
Date, Value1, Value2, Value3
2015-9-16 14::,39;42;45,-3;0;3,16;19;22
where for Value1
the real value = 42, bottom = 39 and top = 45 (can you change as needed, e.g. -10 or +10)