I have a simple console app to learn OWIN/Katana and I am stuck.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string url = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["url"];
using (var app = WebApp.Start<Startup>(url))
Console.WriteLine("Started listening on {0}", url);
This starts up just fine and hits my using block.
I then see that my Startup is called:
Next I startup Postman in Chrome and submit a GET Request. At this point my break points never get hit in either module.
No matter what changes I make it does not log my messages out to the console. Is there a way to find what is failing if anything? In Postman I do receive a HTTP 200 with a payload. The OwinMiddleware class is from the Microsoft.Owin namespace.
EDIT: Tech stack of the Project:
Website (Not Web Application) running AngularJs 1.4 using $resource. WebApi 2.2 with OData V4
Running on .Net 4.5
Your WebApiMiddleware
is before the LoggingMiddleware
in the pipeline so the request may have been terminated there and may never reach the logging. Add the logging on top, before StartupPrerequsites(app);
and try again.