In my webapp, running in Wildfly, there are several roles defined. User is given several tabs for each role he has (e.g. admin, support etc). User/admin can also enable/disable roles for himself or for other users in browser. But when the role is added/removed, tab should be added/removed as well. And that only happens if jboss cache is flushed manually from cli or even worse - restarted. Is it possible to remove the role or flush server cache at runtime (when user clicks the button)? Role authentication is done via 'request.isUserInRole()', but what I need is something like setUserInRole("admin")=false.
This is how I resolved it.
public void flushAuthenticationCache(String userid) {
final String domain = "mydomain";
try {
ObjectName jaasMgr = new ObjectName(",security-domain=" + domain);
Object[] params = {userid};
String[] signature = {"java.lang.String"};
MBeanServer server = (MBeanServer) MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).get(0);
server.invoke(jaasMgr, "flushCache", params, signature);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Note that the method above flushes cache for specific user only. The method below you flush cache for all users:
public static final void flushJaasCache(String securityDomain){
try { mbeanServerConnection =
.getPlatformMBeanServer(); mbeanName = new",security-domain="+securityDomain);
mbeanServerConnection.invoke(mbeanName, "flushCache", null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SecurityException(e);