I tested something with the function window.locatin.pathname.
This is my js script:
var location = window.location.pathname;
console.log(location); // -> /de/immobilien-auf-mallorca/
if(location == "/de/immobilien-auf-mallorca"){
console.log('true'); //doesn't work! It is not true???
console.log('false'); //Output in my console
I think that my var 'location'
is a string and contains this string '/de/immobilien-auf-mallorca
But if I include an if statement (if location = /de/immobilien-auf-mallorca
) I don't come into the first part of my if statement. (Take a look above)
I don't know why maybe my variable isn't a string?!
Maybe someone knows more about this.
Thanks for your help!
You have chosen a very particular reserved keyword to log ---> location, location defaults to window.location, which is an object. The solution is pretty simple, replace your variable name to something like "myLocation", that will make the trick.
var myLocation = window.location.pathname;
console.log(myLocation); // -> /de/immobilien-auf-mallorca
if(myLocation == "/de/immobilien-auf-mallorca"){
console.log('true'); //It's going to work....
console.log('false'); //Output in my console