I am using Bootstrap Switch to turn my check-box in toggle switches.
Now I want to display different messages based on whether the switch is ON or OFF. Sounds simple enough...but I can't seem to make it work :(
<div class="approve-delivery">
<label for="config-email" class="control-label col-xs-5">
Do you want to send out email?
<input type="checkbox" id="config-email" onclick="ToggleSwitchMessage('config-email', 'enable-msg', 'disable-msg')" checked/>
<div class="email-config-msg">
<p id="enable-msg">
All emails will be sent.
<p id="disable-msg">
No email will be sent.<br/>
Please remember, you must turn email ON again if you want emails to
be sent during this login session.
And my jQuery:
function ToggleSwitchMessage(checkId, firstCommentId, secondCommentId) {
var check_box = document.getElementById(checkId)
var first_alert = document.getElementById(firstCommentId);
var second_alert = document.getElementById(secondCommentId);
if (check_box.checked == true) {
first_alert.style.visibility = "visible";
first_alert.style.display = "inline-block";
second_alert.style.visibility = "hidden";
second_alert.style.display = "none";
} else {
first_alert.style.visibility = "hidden";
first_alert.style.display = "none";
second_alert.style.visibility = "visible";
second_alert.style.display = "inline-block";
Here is my working JSFiddle
Again, this is what I'm trying to do:
I hope I am making sense (English is not my first language)! Also I'm sorry if it's duplicate question, in that case please provide the URL of the Q/A(s).
Thank you in advance for your time and help!!
The problem with this code is that it tries to create the onClick event of the element than onChange. It works fine if you change it to onChange.
<input type="checkbox" id="config-email"
onChange="ToggleSwitchMessage('config-email', 'enable-msg', 'disable-msg')" checked/>
As per displaying the message on the startup itself, call this function with the same arguments in your document.ready function.
UPDATE to your comment:
The following modified code works perfectly in your fiddle.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input#config-email").bootstrapSwitch( {
onText: 'Enable',
onColor: 'primary',
offText: 'Disable',
offColor: 'warning',
size: 'normal'
ToggleSwitchMessage('config-email', 'enable-msg', 'disable-msg')