I started learning React with Flux and I am having some trouble.
I have a store and two views (components) and I would like to update one view when the store data changes, but I'm not sure how to tie the two together.
What happens is this:
I click a button in view 1, this modifies data in the store, then this should update view two.
view1 onClick => dispatch action => modify store data => update view2
I have everything except the last part, tying the view and the store when changes are made to the store. All this currently does is modify a class name, but I can see other functions for it later on.
So my question is, how can I tie the store to the state of the view?
view2 (Homepage)
var React = require('react');
var DefaultLayout = React.createFactory(require('../layouts/Default'));
var ReactGridLayout = React.createFactory(require('react-grid-layout'));
var desktopStore = require("../stores/DesktopStore");
// var classNames = require('classnames');
var HomePage = React.createClass({
displayName: 'Index.jsx',
getInitialState: function(){
return {zoomed: desktopStore.get('zoom')};
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
layout: DefaultLayout
render: function() {
var parentClassString = "desktop"; // base class
parentClassString += " zoomed"; // add a class based on the zoomed property
return (
<div className={parentClassString}>
<ReactGridLayout className="layout" cols={80} rowHeight={30} verticalCompact={false}
initialWidth={10} autoSize={false} isResizable={false}>
<div key={1} _grid={{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1}} >1</div>
<div key={2} _grid={{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1}} >2</div>
<div key={3} _grid={{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1}} >3</div>
<div key={4} _grid={{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1}} >4</div>
<div key={5} _grid={{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1}} >5</div>
<div key={6} _grid={{x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1}} >6</div>
module.exports = HomePage;
View1 (Header)
var _name = 'TopHeader.jsx';
var React = require('react');
var DesktopApi = require('../utilities/DesktopApi');
var TopHeader = React.createClass({
displayName: _name,
handleClick: function(){
DesktopApi.toggleZoom(); // this goes to the dispatcher and emits a change to update the desktopStore
render() {
return (
<div className="top-header">
<span className="plus" onClick={this.handleClick}> [+] </span>
module.exports = TopHeader;
The official facebook guide helped out here, I can create listeners with componentDidMount and remove them with componentWillUnmount
componentDidMount: function() {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
_onChange: function(){
this.setState({zoom: true});