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ClassCastException while extracting data from List

This is my XML file :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>  
        <ingestion id="abc">
                <Query>index=_internal source=*/splunkd_access.log |head 0000</Query>
        <ingestion id="xyz">
                <query>index=_internal source=*/splunkd_access.log |head 1000</query>
        <ingestion id="def">
                <query>index=_internal source=*/splunkd_access.log |head 2000</query>

I have used JAXB and created POJO class structure for it.

For Ingestion element this is my POJO class structure.

private String id;

private List<TsdbElements> TsdbElements;

private List<SplunkQuery> SplunkQuery;

public String getId ()
    return id;

public void setId (String id)
{ = id;

public List<TsdbElements> getTsdbElements ()
    return TsdbElements;

public void setTsdbElements (List<TsdbElements> TsdbElements)
    this.TsdbElements = TsdbElements;

public List<SplunkQuery> getSplunkQuery ()
    return SplunkQuery;

public void setSplunkQuery (List<SplunkQuery> SplunkQuery)
    this.SplunkQuery = SplunkQuery;

public String toString()
    return "ClassPojo [id = "+id+", TsdbElements = "+TsdbElements+", SplunkQuery = "+SplunkQuery+"]";

Here is the Problem :-

When I try to extract Objects of ingestion I get error

(java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to com.jaxb.xmlfile.Ingestio) java.lang.ClassCastException

at line below comment.

String fileName = "Query.xml";
File file = new File(fileName);

//JAXB Parsing - Unmarshling XML File
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(XMLData.class);
Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();

LogExtract logExtract = (LogExtract) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(file);

Configuration config = logExtract.getConfiguration();

Splunk spluknData = config.getSplunk();

Tsdb tsdbData = config.getTsdb();

DataPart dataPart = logExtract.getDataPart();

List<Ingestion> ingestionData = dataPart.getIngestion();

//Here I get Error 
List<TsdbElements> tsdbElementsData = ((Ingestion) ingestionData).getTsdbElements();

//Here I get Error     
List<SplunkQuery> splunkQueryData = ((Ingestion) ingestionData).getSplunkQuery();

System.out.println(spluknData.getSplunkHost() + "  " + spluknData.getUserName() + "  " + spluknData.getPassword() + "  " +spluknData.getPort());

System.out.println(tsdbData.getTsdbHost() + "  " + tsdbData.getPort());

for (SplunkQuery splunkQuery : splunkQueryData) {

for (TsdbElements tsdbElements : tsdbElementsData) {
    System.out.println(tsdbElements.getMetricname() + "  " + tsdbElements.getTags());

So what am I missing?

EDIT:- (After answer given by @Sanj)

How to save tsdbElement data using for loop and then access them again out of for loop? Any Idea? Because its only saving last XML data, not all of them


  • List<Ingestion> ingestionData = dataPart.getIngestion();
    //Here I get Error 
    List<TsdbElements> tsdbElementsData = ((Ingestion) ingestionData).getTsdbElements();

    The error is stating that ingestionData is a type List, and you are trying to cast it to the Ingestion class.

    Looking at your XML, you have a list of of these elements

        <ingestion id="abc">
                <Query>index=_internal source=*/splunkd_access.log |head 0000</Query>

    So you just need to iterate the list ingestionData to get the tsdbElements. Something like

    // instantiate the tsdbElementsData list
    List<TsdbElements> tsdbElementsData = new ArrayList<>(TsdbElements)
    for (Ingestion ingestion: ingestionData)
        // get the elements
        tsdbElements = ingestion.getTsdbElements();
        // do some with the elements, e,g add to a another list

    To iterate through the tsdbElementsData list, it is just another loop

    for (TsdbElements tsdbElements: tsdbElementsData)
        // ... do something with tsdbElements

    Note that the foreach loop above, is the same a writing

    for (int i = 0; i < tsdbElementsData.size(); i++)
        TsdbElements tsdbElements = tsdbElementsData.get(i);
        // ... do something with tsdbElements