VS2015 is throwing a lot of errors when trying to execute this code:
int a = 5;
int *p = &a;
std::vector<decltype(*p)> v;
However, when I check the type returned by this decltype I get an int!
typeid(decltype(*p)) == typeid(int) // returns true
Can anyone explain it to me? I did the workaround by simply dereferencing pointer and decltyping the value I got. But why isn't it possible to do it by dereferencing pointer directly?
As an alternative to the solution proposed by @Brian, you can use:
std::vector<std::remove_reference<decltype(*p)>::type> v;
You can also use:
std::vector<std::remove_pointer<decltype(p)>::type> v;
std::vector<std::decay<decltype(*p)>::type> v3;