I'm not able to send a message with facebook using the Cordova Plugin.
function fbMessage(description){
var options = {
method: "send",
caption: '',
link: '',
description: description,
to: '100003725222912'
function(dialogSuccess) {
function(dialogFaliure) {
the message doesn't compare in the page. I'm sure I connect to facebook with my application.
The Error is:
Error Domain = com.facebook.sdk.share Code = 202 "The operation couldn't be completed. (com.facebook.sdk.share error 202.)" UserInfo=0x7967aa0{com.facebook.sdk:FBSDKErrorDeveloperMessageKey=Message dialog is not available.}
If you install Facebook Messenger App, the error message doesn't appear anymore and the send dialog shows up. It works on smartphones. For android tablets, you need to fill the name, caption and description as well, only the link and method won't work. In iPad, however, it seems to not work yet.