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Can't figure out why setting wx.SpinCtrl "value=" to variable isn't working

So I have a main menu set up with a button that opens a separate options window. It works fine, except for the fact that I can't find a way to keep the value of my spincontrol widget after the menu is closed. This is my current code:

 self.spincontrol = wx.SpinCtrl(self.optionmenupanel, value=OtherClass.variable, size=(60,-1))

On closure of the options menu, this runs:

OtherClass.variable = self.spincontrol.GetValue()

The thing is, I get the error:

TypeError: String or Unicode type required

The variable should be a string, I even used str() to make sure. So why is this still happening, and is there a different or better way to do this?


  • I presume your problem stems from the fact that SpinCtrl can accept either str/unicode and int (accepting text makes sense for the TextCtrl part, int makes sense for the "spin" part. However, SpinCtrl.GetValue() will always return an int, so it would make sense to treat OtherClass.variable always as int.

    So best would be to use:

        val = OtherClass.variable
        self.spinctrl = ...(..., value="", ...) # value only can be ``str`` !
        self.spinctrl.SetValue(val) # will accept ``str`` and ``int``
        self.spinctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.on_spin)
    def on_spin(self, evt):
        res = self.spin.GetValue()
        assert isinstance(res, int)
        OtherClass.variable = res