I developed an application with wxPython and used cx_freeze to covert it to a .exe. I installed the app on WinXP and it works fine. My only misgiving is that the GUI app is running with a command prompt behind it. How can I get rid of this command prompt? I imagine that it is there to display errors etc… There must be a way to redirect errors to a log file instead of showing this command prompt? Thanks in advance.
See How can I hide the console window when freezing wxPython applications with cxFreeze?
I also wrote this which has one solution:
The key part is near the end of the article:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
exe = Executable(
name = "wxSampleApp",
version = "0.1",
description = "An example wxPython script",
executables = [exe]
You need the bit that says this: base="Win32GUI"
Then it should work.