How to kill all buffers with buffer file in a certain location?
For example, I want kill all buffers with buffer file in c:...\dev and all dired buffer subdir to c:...\dev
Or in others words, how to go though the files or dirs of all buffers in emacs?
Thanks @David @phils. I combined the elisp code and function in ibuffer
(mapc (lambda (buffer)
(let ((file-name
(or (buffer-file-name buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(boundp 'dired-directory)
(stringp dired-directory)
(when (and file-name
(string-match "^c:.*?\\\\dev" file-name))
(kill-buffer buffer))))
From elisp use:
(mapc (lambda (buffer)
(let ((file-name
(or (buffer-file-name buffer)
;; In dired-mode we need `dired-directory' which
;; might be a list and may not be fully expanded.
(with-current-buffer buffer
(and (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(if (consp dired-directory)
(car dired-directory)
(when (and file-name
(string-match "^c:\\\\.*\\\\dev" file-name))
(kill-buffer buffer))))