I'm trying to figure out how tracking / analytics scripts work. There's an optimised version of the Google Analytics code:
(function(window, document, variableName, scriptElement, firstScript) {
window['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = variableName;
window[variableName] || (window[variableName] = function() {
(window[variableName].q = window[variableName].q || []).push(arguments);
window[variableName].l = +new Date;
scriptElement = document.createElement('script'),
firstScript = document.scripts[0];
scriptElement.src = '';
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, firstScript)
}(window, document, 'ga'));
ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y');
ga('send', 'pageview');
Loading a custom script, I can't figure out how the ga() functions work. I tried various IIFE and constructors already, but don't get the 'create' and 'send' events.
How do I see these events on the server?
I managed to abstract my way to the queue, now wondering how I can create an async queue to send these events to the server. Any suggestions?
(function() {
var ga = function(a) {
return void 0 != a && -1 < (a.constructor + '').indexOf('String');
var sa = function(a) {
return a ? a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, '') : '';
var gb = ga(window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) && sa(window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) || 'ga';
var Window = window;
var Document = document;
The function is merely pushing all the calls arguments into an array. It's later picked up by the analytics.js
through window.GoogleAnalyticsObject
. Google doesn't seem to provide a non-minified version of analytics.js
but a quick debeautify and a search you end up with:
var gb = qa(window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) && sa(window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) || "ga"
The qa
checks if it's a String and the sa
function just clears the name a little bit.
So, where else do they use gb
? Assignments only happen somewhere else:
The N.N
N.N = function() {
"ga" != gb && J(49);
var a = O[gb];
if (!a || 42 != a.answer) {
N.L = a && a.l;
N.loaded = !0;
var b = O[gb] = N;
X("create", b, b.create);
X("remove", b, b.remove);
X("getByName", b, b.j, 5);
X("getAll", b, b.getAll, 6);
b = pc.prototype;
X("get", b, b.get, 7);
X("set", b, b.set, 4);
X("send", b, b.send);
b = Ya.prototype;
X("get", b, b.get);
X("set", b, b.set);
if (!Ud() && !Ba) {
a: {
for (var b = M.getElementsByTagName("script"), c = 0; c < b.length && 100 > c; c++) {
var d = b[c].src;
if (d && 0 == d.indexOf("https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics")) {
b = !0;
break a
b = !1
b && (Ba = !0)
Ud() || Ba || !Ed(new Od) || (J(36), Ba = !0);
(O.gaplugins = O.gaplugins || {}).Linker = Dc;
b = Dc.prototype;
Yd.set("linker", Dc);
X("decorate", b, b.ca, 20);
X("autoLink", b, b.S, 25);
Yd.set("displayfeatures", fd);
Yd.set("adfeatures", fd);
a = a && a.q;
ka(a) ? Z.D.apply(N, a) : J(50)
Assignment happens on:
var a = O[gb]; //O is window
The ga
function you are using on your script, will soon be replaced by something else (N
var b = O[gb] = N;
Here's N:
var N = function(a) {
Z.D.apply(Z, [arguments])
Where is the queue being used?
a = a && a.q;
ka(a) ? Z.D.apply(N, a) : J(50)
The Z.D
function seems the one that's executing your arguments. Which uses more minified functions. I suggest you keep looking from here.