I have some code like below.
@RetryOnFailure(attempts = Constant.RETRY_ATTEMPTS, delay = Constant.RETRY_DELAY, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void method() {
// some processing
//throw exception if HTTP operation is not successful. (use of retry)
The value of RETRY_ATTEMPTS and RETRY_DELAY variable come from a separate Constant class, which are int primitive. Both the variable are defined as public static final.
How can I override these values while writing the unit testcases. The actual values increases running time of unit testcases.
I have already tried two approach: Both did not work
- Using PowerMock with Whitebox.setInternalState().
- Using Reflection as well.
As mentioned by @yegor256, that it is not possible, I would like to know, why it is not possible? When these annotations get loaded?
There is no way to change them in runtime. What you should do, in order to make your method()
testable is to create a separate "decorator" class:
interface Foo {
void method();
class FooWithRetry implements Foo {
private final Foo origin;
@RetryOnFailure(attempts = Constant.RETRY_ATTEMPTS)
public void method() {
Then, for test purposes, use another implementation of Foo
class FooWithUnlimitedRetry implements Foo {
private final Foo origin;
@RetryOnFailure(attempts = 10000)
public void method() {
That's the best you can do. Unfortunately.