I'm new to json and flot. But I ve been asked to create a chart. Could someone explain to me why my code will not work?
$.getJSON('chart.json', function(graphData){
$.plot($('#graph-lines'), graphData, {
series: {
points: {
show: true,
radius: 15,
lines: {
show: true,
lineWidth: 6
shadowSize: 0
grid: {
color: '#646464',
borderColor: 'transparent',
borderWidth: 20,
hoverable: true,
highlightColor: "transparent"
xaxis: {
tickColor: 'transparent',
ticks: [[6,'Week 48'],[7,'Week 49'],[8,'Week 50'],[9,'Week 51'],[10,'Week 52']]
yaxis: {
min: 0,
max: 1000,
tickSize: 500
// Bars
$.plot($('#graph-bars'), graphData, {
series: {
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: .9,
align: 'center'
shadowSize: 0
grid: {
color: '#646464',
borderColor: 'transparent',
borderWidth: 20,
hoverable: true
xaxis: {
tickColor: 'transparent',
tickDecimals: 2
yaxis: {
tickSize: 1000
From what I ve learned so far is that jquery $.getJSON('chart.json', function(graphData)
should retrieve the json file. and $.plot($('#graph-lines'), graphData,{})
should parse it.
This is my JSON file:
data: [ [6, 520], [7, 600], [8, 850], [9, 900], [10, 300] ],
color: '#F02626',
points: { fillColor: '#F02626', radius: 6 },
lines: { fillColor: '#CCF8FF'}
}, {
data: [ [6, 300], [7, 400], [8, 550], [9, 750], [10, 200] ],
color: '#26F041',
points: { radius: 10, fillColor: '#26F041' }
}, {
data: [ [6, 200], [7, 150], [8, 380], [9, 400], [10, 100] ],
color: '#20AEFA',
points: { radius: 6, fillColor: '#20AEFA'}
So, I need all the properties in JSON (data, color and point) as they will override the default and give each line or bar a different color.
I got it working before. I had the json written inside .js but I want to call it from an external JSON file.
Im not looking for an answer "Try this". I would like to understand what I'm doing wrong and why, so I can learn why it works the way it does.
Thank you in advance.
it's simple your json file is not valid it should be like this
"data": [ [6, 520], [7, 600], [8, 850], [9, 900], [10, 300] ],
"color": "#F02626",
"points": { "fillColor": "#F02626", "radius": 6 },
"lines": { "fillColor": "#CCF8FF"}
"data": [ [6, 300], [7, 400], [8, 550], [9, 750], [10, 200] ],
"color": "#26F041",
"points": { "radius": 10, "fillColor": "#26F041" }
"data": [ [6, 200], [7, 150], [8, 380], [9, 400], [10, 100] ],
"color": "#20AEFA",
"points": { "radius": 6, "fillColor": "#20AEFA"}