Case is that I add a new Item by click to my user over an action. When the Items is added the ActiveItemStore will be updated and I want then navigate to the active Item. But currently the transition is called before the Store is updated.
Current Code:
var actionListener = new ActionListeners(alt);
var listenerRef = actionListener.addActionListener(MyItemActions.ADDED,
function() {
setTimeout(function() { // Fixes Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch.
this.transitionTo('active-item', {locale: user.locale});
// will be called before the ActiveItemStore is updated
// call action
active: true
Do I need to use waitFor
for this case or whats the best practice, and how to avoid the dispatch in dispatch without setTimeout?
In a nutshell: the Action function should not have a callback to do the transition. The typical flow would be:
A good tutorial on using the alt library for flux can be found here: