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Smoothing out values of an array

If I had an array of numbers such as [3, 5, 0, 8, 4, 2, 6], is there a way to “smooth out” the values so they’re closer to each other and display less variance?

I’ve looked into windowing the data using something called the Gaussian function for a 1-dimensional case, which is my array, but am having trouble implementing it. This thread seems to solve exactly what I need but I don’t understand how user naschilling (second post) came up with the Gaussian matrix values.

Context: I’m working on a music waveform generator (borrowing from SoundCloud’s design) that maps the amplitude of the song at time t to a corresponding bar height. Unfortunately there’s a lot of noise, and it looks particularly ugly when the program maps a tiny amplitude which results in a sudden decrease in height. I basically want to smooth out the bar heights so they aren’t so varied.

The language I'm using is Javascript.

EDIT: Sorry, let me be more specific about "smoothing out" the values. According to the thread linked above, a user took an array

[10.00, 13.00, 7.00, 11.00, 12.00, 9.00, 6.00, 5.00]

and used a Gaussian function to map it to

[ 8.35,  9.35, 8.59,  8.98,  9.63, 7.94, 5.78, 7.32]

Notice how the numbers are much closer to each other.

EDIT 2: It worked! Thanks to user Awal Garg's algorithm, here are the results:

No smoothing Some smoothing Maximum smoothing

EDIT 3: Here's my final code in JS. I tweaked it so that the first and last elements of the array were able to find its neighbors by wrapping around the array, rather than calling itself.

var array = [10, 13, 7, 11, 12, 9, 6, 5];

function smooth(values, alpha) {
    var weighted = average(values) * alpha;
    var smoothed = [];
    for (var i in values) {
        var curr = values[i];
        var prev = smoothed[i - 1] || values[values.length - 1];
        var next = curr || values[0];
        var improved = Number(this.average([weighted, prev, curr, next]).toFixed(2));
    return smoothed;

function average(data) {
    var sum = data.reduce(function(sum, value) {
        return sum + value;
    }, 0);
    var avg = sum / data.length;
    return avg;

smooth(array, 0.85);


  • Interesting question!

    The algorithm to smooth out the values obviously could vary a lot, but here is my take:

    "use strict";
    var array = [10, 13, 7, 11, 12, 9, 6, 5];
    function avg (v) {
      return v.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0)/v.length;
    function smoothOut (vector, variance) {
      var t_avg = avg(vector)*variance;
      var ret = Array(vector.length);
      for (var i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
        (function () {
          var prev = i>0 ? ret[i-1] : vector[i];
          var next = i<vector.length ? vector[i] : vector[i-1];
          ret[i] = avg([t_avg, avg([prev, vector[i], next])]);
      return ret;
    function display (x, y) {
      console.assert(x.length === y.length);
      x.forEach((el, i) => console.log(`${el}\t\t${y[i]}`));
    display(array, smoothOut(array, 0.85));

    NOTE: It uses some ES6 features like fat-arrow functions and template strings. Firefox 35+ and Chrome 45+ should work fine. Please use the babel repl otherwise.

    My method basically computes the average of all the elements in the array in advance, and uses that as a major factor to compute the new value along with the current element value, the one prior to it, and the one after it. I am also using the prior value as the one newly computed and not the one from the original array. Feel free to experiment and modify according to your needs. You can also pass in a "variance" parameter to control the difference between the elements. Lowering it will bring the elements much closer to each other since it decreases the value of the average.

    A slight variation to loosen out the smoothing would be this:

    "use strict";
    var array = [10, 13, 7, 11, 12, 9, 6, 5];
    function avg (v) {
      return v.reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0)/v.length;
    function smoothOut (vector, variance) {
      var t_avg = avg(vector)*variance;
      var ret = Array(vector.length);
      for (var i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
        (function () {
          var prev = i>0 ? ret[i-1] : vector[i];
          var next = i<vector.length ? vector[i] : vector[i-1];
          ret[i] = avg([t_avg, prev, vector[i], next]);
      return ret;
    function display (x, y) {
      console.assert(x.length === y.length);
      x.forEach((el, i) => console.log(`${el}\t\t${y[i]}`));
    display(array, smoothOut(array, 0.85));

    which doesn't take the averaged value as a major factor.

    Feel free to experiment, hope that helps!