Search code examples

Can I select a specific block of text in a UITextField?

I have a UITextField in my iPhone app. I know how to make the text field select all of its text, but how can change the selection? Say I wanted to select the last 5 characters, or a specific range of characters, is that possible? if not, can I move the lines marking the beginning and end of the selection, as if the user is dragging them?


  • With UITextField, you cannot. But if you see the headers, you have _selectedRange and others that might be used if you add some categories to it ;)

    Update for iOS5 and above :

    Now UITextField and UITextView conform to UITextInput protocol so it is possible :)

    Selecting the last 5 characters before the caret would be like this:

    // Get current selected range , this example assumes is an insertion point or empty selection
    UITextRange *selectedRange = [textField selectedTextRange];
    // Calculate the new position, - for left and + for right
    UITextPosition *newPosition = [textField positionFromPosition:selectedRange.start offset:-5];
    // Construct a new range using the object that adopts the UITextInput, our textfield
    UITextRange *newRange = [textField textRangeFromPosition:newPosition toPosition:selectedRange.start];
    // Set new range
    [textField setSelectedTextRange:newRange];