I'm doing some ghetto parallelization in jags through rjags.
I've been using the function parallel.seeds to obtain RNG states to intialize the RNG's (example below). However, I don't understand why multiple integers are returned for each RNG. In the documentation it says that when you intialize .RNG.state is supposed to be a numeric vector with length one.
Furthermore, sometimes when I try to do this R crashes with no error generated. When I give up and just let it generate the seed for the chain on it's own, the model runs fine. Does this mean I am using the wrong .RNG.state? Any insight would be appreciated, as I am planning to scale up this model in the future.
> parallel.seeds("base::BaseRNG", 3)
[1] "base::Wichmann-Hill"
[1] 3891 16261 19841
[1] "base::Marsaglia-Multicarry"
[1] 408065014 1176110892
[1] "base::Super-Duper"
[1] -848274653 175424331
There is a difference between .RNG.seed (which is a vector of length one, and the thing you can specify to jags.model to e.g. ensure MCMC samples are repeatable) and .RNG.state (which is a vector of length depending on the pRNG algorithm). It is possible that these got mixed up in the docs somewhere - can you tell me where you read this so I can make sure it is fixed for JAGS/rjags 4?
Regarding the crashing - some more details would be needed to help you with that I'm afraid. I assume that it is the JAGS model that crashes, and not your R session that terminates, and after the model has been running for a while? A reproducible example would help a lot.
By the way - when you say 'scale up' - if you are planning to make use of > 4 chains I would strongly recommend you load the lecuyer module (see ?parallel.seeds examples at the bottom).