I need to display trailing .00
decimals if the column Value
of the provided model doesn't have it already.
What I have tried out is:
template:AmountRepLookup == 1601 ?
"# if(#'#=Value#'#.indexOf('.') == -1) ){# #= '$' + Value # #}else{# #= '$' + Value +'.00' # #}#" :
"# if(#'#=Value#'#.indexOf('.') == -1) ){# #= Value + '%' # #}else{# #= Value +'.00%' # #}#"
Expected output:
$XX.00 or XX.00%
use this
use {0:c2} for $ with 2 digit decimal
use {0:p} for percentage values
#= kendo.format('{0:c2}', value)# //dollar
#= kendo.format('{0:p}', value)# //Percentage
You already have a Boolean conditions, just use formatting functions