I have the following in my template:
{{#each sortedManufacturers key="id" as |manufacturer|}}
<optgroup label="{{manufacturer.name}}">
{{#each manufacturer.cars key="id" as |car|}}
<option {{action "carSelected" car}} value="{{car.model}}">{{car.model}}</option>
In the controller, I have:
actions: {
carSelected(car) {
When the option is selected from the select
. It doesn't seem to trigger the carSelected
Any ideas why?
In Ember > 1.13 you can do the following:
<select onchange={{action "carSelected" value="target.value"}}>
<!-- ... -->
With component JS:
export default Component.extend({
actions: {
carSelected(car) {
// ..
Or you can use the unquoted “closure action” form:
<select onchange={{action carSelected value="target.value"}}>
<!-- ... -->
With component JS:
export default Component.extend({
carSelected(car) {
// ..
See the improved actions RFC for more on all this.