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Resolve duplicate declaration on puppet

I'm trying to call several times a defined instance of a puppet module to deploy multiple files from a given repository but I'm getting this error:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Duplicate declaration: File[/bin/deploy_artifacts.rb] is already declared in file /etc/puppet/modules/deploy_artifacts/manifests/init.pp:11; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/modules/deploy_artifacts/manifests/init.pp:11 on node

This is the init.pp manifest of the module:

define deploy_artifacts (
    notify{"La UUAA esta en el repositorio: $repository": }
    file { "/bin/deploy_artifacts.rb":
            ensure  => present,
            owner   => root,
            group   => root,
            mode    => 700,
            source  => "puppet:///modules/deploy_artifacts/deploy_artifacts.rb";
    exec {"Deployment":
            require => File["/bin/deploy_artifacts.rb"],
            command => "/usr/bin/time /bin/deploy_artifacts.rb $repository",
            logoutput => true;

Now the node manifest:

node "" {
    deploy_artifacts {'test-ASO':
            repository => 'test-ASO',
    deploy_artifacts {'PRUEBA_ASO':
            repository => 'PRUEBA_ASO',


I tried to rewrite the whole module to put into init.pp the common piece of code(file statement) and in another manifest the exec statement but when I call more than once the module deploy_artifacts it throws me the same duplicated error.

How can I rewrite the code to ensure that the file is in the client node before executing all the instances of the defined deploy_artifacts without duplications?

Is there another solution rather than declare a dedicated class only for the file? Thank you!


  • Try this:

    The file:

    class deploy_artifacts {
      file { "/bin/deploy_artifacts.rb":
        ensure  => present,
        owner   => root,
        group   => root,
        mode    => 700,
        source  => "puppet:///modules/deploy_artifacts/deploy_artifacts.rb";

    The type:

    define deploy_artifacts::repository ($repository) {
      include deploy_artifacts
      exec {"Deployment":
        command => "/usr/bin/time /bin/deploy_artifacts.rb $repository",
        logoutput => true,
        require => File["/bin/deploy_artifacts.rb"

    The node definition:

    node "" {
        deploy_artifacts::repository {'test-ASO':
                repository => 'test-ASO',
        deploy_artifacts::repository {'PRUEBA_ASO':
                repository => 'PRUEBA_ASO',