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How to create a .d.ts file that exports an existing module?

I am using both dust.js (specifically, dustjs-linkedin) and dustjs-helpers in my TypeScript project. I got the typings for dustjs-linkedin off of definitelyTyped, but I am having trouble with the dustjs-helpers. Pretty much, I just want to declare a module called dustjs-helpers and have it correctly export the dustjst-linkedin module. That means that any time you call import helpers = require('dustjs-helpers'); you should be able to access all of the functions that regular dust uses by default.

Dust's typings file declares its module as following: declare module "dustjs-linkedin" { ... }. I was hoping that I could do something like the following, but I get errors...

/// <reference path="../dustjs-linkedin/dustjs-linkedin.d.ts" />

declare module "dustjs-helpers" {
    import dust = require("dustjs-linkedin")
    export = dust;

Can anyone help me out?


  • A bit involved but I have verified that this works:

    declare module "dustjs-helpers" {
        import dust = require("dustjs-linkedin")    
        // Bring into a type
        type Dust = typeof dust;
        // Specify extensions
        type Extensions = {
            anotherFunc : Function;
        // Combine types
        type DustExtended = Dust & Extensions;
        // Create var for export
        var dustExtended: DustExtended;
        // Export
        export = dustExtended;