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How to get Pocket counter from Pocket Button (using jQuery)?

I made custom share buttons and wanna add Pocket count to them.

If you're open this link in browser, you'll see Pocket button with counter (for ex. URL is

It's simple html document:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css"></style></head>

<div class="widget vertical pocket center">
    <a id="btn">
        Please do not scrape this for the Pocket count. 
        It is not relible for you to use and will likely change. 
        Contact us at [email protected] for an official API. 
        <span><em id="cnt">126775</em><i></i><u></u></span>

<script type="text/javascript">
var iLi = true;

var btnData = {"mode":"viapocketbutton","ct":"b607befed1e75f78567281514cae33db78cbcab9","ctn":"ed82217ee621d17ee56ca091cd836e96149b7921","label":"pocket","count":"vertical","src":"","url":"http:\/\/"};
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


How to parse this Pocket count (placed on <em id="cnt">...</em>) with jQuery.ajax() or something else (js)?


  • Forgive me, Im on mobile. You should be able to make a GET request by using jQuery's ´load()´ function.

    The function takes a url and callback that, once the request has processed, will return the html from the pocket:

    $.load(myURL, function(data){
        var dom = $(data).html()
        var pocket = dom.find('pocket selector')

    Once you have access to ´dom´, querying for the button and then using ´text()´ to grab it is probably the route Id go!