I have some codes that gets all the links of a page, but some were getting links that doesn't look like links. For example, indexes 0-4 was getting links called "javascript:void(0)", and index 5 was getting a blank link with just a "/". How do I fix this? Thanks.
$content = file_get_contents("http://bestspace.co"); //get content of page
$links = "<a\s[^>]*href=(\"??)([^\" >]*?)\\1[^>]*>(.*)<\/a>"; //set regular expression to get links
preg_match_all("/$links/siU", $content, $matches); //get all links on page and store in array $matches[2]
contents of array
Array (
[0] => javascript:void(0)
[1] => javascript:void(0)
[2] => javascript:void(0)
[3] => javascript:void(0)
[4] => javascript:void(0)
[5] => /
[6] => /bestdeals
[7] => /about-us
[8] => /why-choose-us
[9] => /products
[10] => https://cloud.bestspace.co/clientarea.php
ect... );
Use array_filter
to remove all the Javascript links.
$links = array_filter($matches[2], function($x) {
return substr($x, 0, 11) != 'javascript:';