Search code examples

select2 noresult catch the input

  1. How do I catch the user input and pass it to the create text field.

Current code shows undefined.

  1. And the new term also not added to the list, the alert seem like not working.


    $("#mySel").select2({ width:'240px', allowClear:true, "language": { "noResults": function(term) { /* customize the no matches output */ return "Create" } },

    escapeMarkup: function (markup) {
        return markup;

    }) .parent().find('.select2-with-searchbox').on('click','#addNew',function(){ /* add the new term */ var newTerm = $('#newTerm').val(); alert('adding:'+newTerm); $(''+newTerm+'').appendTo('#mySel'); $('#mySel').select2('val',newTerm); // select the new term $("#mySel").select2('close'); // close the dropdown })



  • Per the select2 documentation, you can use the "tags" option to achieve what you're trying to do. Select2 already does that for you:

    "If the tags option is passed into Select2, if a user types anything into the search box which doesn't already exist, it will be displayed at the top and the user will be able to select it."