Current code shows undefined
And the new term also not added to the list, the alert seem like not working.
$("#mySel").select2({ width:'240px', allowClear:true, "language": { "noResults": function(term) { /* customize the no matches output */ return "Create" } },
escapeMarkup: function (markup) {
return markup;
}) .parent().find('.select2-with-searchbox').on('click','#addNew',function(){ /* add the new term */ var newTerm = $('#newTerm').val(); alert('adding:'+newTerm); $(''+newTerm+'').appendTo('#mySel'); $('#mySel').select2('val',newTerm); // select the new term $("#mySel").select2('close'); // close the dropdown })
Per the select2 documentation, you can use the "tags" option to achieve what you're trying to do. Select2 already does that for you:
"If the tags option is passed into Select2, if a user types anything into the search box which doesn't already exist, it will be displayed at the top and the user will be able to select it."