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Beyond Compare 4: How to show only lines containing a specific string?

I am trying to compare two log files containing a list of transactions. The fields of these transactions are defined within the line itself. eg:

    transactionID: 1, transactionType: 6, transactionData: 123456
    transactionID: 2, transactionType: 6, transactionData: 654321

In one log file, transactionType 6 transactions may come consecutively, while in the other file they may be interlaced with other transaction types. So while transactionID may be different, they would still be in the same order and contain the same data.

How can I filter or otherwise only show the lines in both files which contain the string "transactionType: 6"? This would filter out all the other transactions and allow me to see only the ones with Type 6.

Thank you.


  • What you are asking is not possible in Beyond Compare 4.1.1 (current version).

    The closest you can get to what you're describing is to only display differences within text matching a specific string.

    Define a regular expression grammar element that matches on ".transactionType: 6." using the Define Unimportant Text in Beyond Compare instructions.

    After you've defined the grammar element, click the Rules toolbar button (referee icon). In the Importance tab, check the box next to your new grammar element and uncheck all other grammar elements to make them unimportant. This will only highlight differences in lines that match the grammar element you defined.