I have a kendo ui grid using the knockout-kendo set.
I have a few custom buttons in one column of the grid i.e. to make a ajax call for edit a entry in another div, delete one or check for an editId to call a function. My problem is, that both events fired twice! Besides for me it looks like dataBound
event and dataBinding
event is the same.
Heres a fiddle
this.dataBound = function(){
this.dataBinding = function(){
I tried some different approaches.
Heres another fiddle
this.gridConfig = {
data: self.myData,
datasource: {
data: 'data'
dataBound: function(){
dataBinding: function(){
Events are fired when the grid is bound, and when the data is bound. But how can I get sure, to get only an Event when all data is there?
Does anyone know whats going on there? BTW I using the mapping plugin.
The dataBound
event is firing for different reasons. The first time it fires, if you console.log()
the event, you will see that:
is an empty array []
is div.k-grid.k-widget
When the event fires for a second time, the same properties show as:
is an array of length three, containing items like: { color: "green", name: "apple", uid: "..." }
is div.k-grid.k-widget
(same element)Which seems to imply that your grid is in-fact binding data to itself twice.
If I had to guess, KO's ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
initializes the object and triggers the event. Afterwards, the event is fired again when kendo attempts to bind the elements data internally.
To avoid this, see: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/ui/grid#events-dataBound
Where you could employ something similar to:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
grid.bind("dataBinding", grid_dataBinding);
When the initial config binding is set to autoBind: false
So that you don't accidentally catch that first false dataBound event.
If I have time, I'll make my way back with a JSFiddle that demonstrates this.
Solution 1: This Fiddle should help.
Solution 2:
Set autoBind: false
so that the grid doesn't auto-bind. (@jason9187)
As another user mentioned, you can turn the initial auto-bind off by changing a setting that is mentioned in the above telerik documentation:
Basically, this fix in your first approach:
<div id="grid" data-bind="kendoGrid: { data: myData, dataBinding: dataBinding, dataBound: dataBound }"></div>
<div id="grid" data-bind="kendoGrid: { data: myData, dataBinding: dataBinding, dataBound: dataBound, autoBind: false }"></div>
Or by adding the same property to your second approach.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hXn7e/45/