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Apache won't bind to ANY port (OS 10048)

I can't get the Apache service to start.

When I try to start it from services I get the following events in event viewer.

  • The Apache service named reported the following error: (OS
    10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network
    address/port) is normally permitted. : AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address

    • AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down .

    • AH00015: Unable to open logs


I've tried port 80 port 8080 and 8090 and I'm getting the same errors. I've checked to see if these ports are in use and they are not listed through netstat or through a currports.exe I've used.

I had everything running but I did a SYMLINKS rebuild on apache and mysql and I think I may have done them too quick as I got an error message at the time and mysql and apache stayed down. I had to re-install the mysql service but the Apache service is going nowhere!!

I have wamp 2.5 with apache 2.4.9 running on windows 2008 R2 Enterprise for the purpose of an office intranet using wordpress.

Help very much appreciated



EDIT Code from Httd.conf. I have just added the lines I've amended                   #
Listen 80
# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support

ServerName localhost:80
HostnameLookups Off



  • Its not too clear what caused this situation but this may get you back up and running.

    Start WAMPServer

    uninstall the Apache service

    wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Remove Service

    reinstall the Apache service

    wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Install Service

    start Apache

    wampmanager -> Apache -> Service -> Start/Resume Service

    Now if you ever want to rebuild the Apache SYMLINKS (mysql has non by default) you do this :-

    wampmanager -> Apache -> Version -> (click on the current version number)

    Then wait a few seconds while WAMPServer rebuilds the SYMLINKS and restarts Apache for you.

    Oh then I would put Apache back to Listen on port 80.

    RE: Your httpd.conf amendments

    This line should be a comment, its an example but not intended to be part of the used parameters in this file


    These 2 lines shoud be

    # this is for IPV4
    # This is for IPV6
    Listen [::0]:80

    These 2 lines look ok as

    ServerName localhost:80
    HostnameLookups Off