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how to create a package in swagger code gen tool in addition to the api and model package

I am learning to use swagger code gen to generate a bunch of csharp files from swagger.json file.

In the CSharpClientCodeGen.class , I noticed there are variables for apiPackage and modelPackage that generates the Api and Model cs files in them. I would like to create a new package similar to apiPackage and modelPackage.

I tried adding in the following code

public class csharpcodegen extends CSharpClientCodeGen
protected String newPackage="IO.Swagger.New";


And then built the client code, but I dont see the new package folder in there.

Not sure how to do this. It would be great if you can point me to resources on how to do this.



  • If you want to customize the package name, you can pass a config file (e.g. config.json) to the swagger-codegen. Here is a full list of configuration option available for C# code generator:

    swagger-codegen|master⚡ ⇒ java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar config-help -l csharp
            C# package name (convention: Camel.Case), default: IO.Swagger
            C# package version, default: 1.0.0

    For example, to generate C# SDK, prepare the config file as follows

      "packageName": "Com.RestUnited",

    Then run the following command:

      java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate \
      -i /var/tmp/swagger_spec.yaml \
      -l csharp \
      -o /var/tmp/csharp/test/ \
      -c /var/tmp/csharp.json

    To request for new option on customizing the C# SDK, please submit via the Github page