I have this table in my twig view:
<th>Data 1</th>
<th>Data 2</th>
{% for pc in arrayPointComptage %}
<td>{{ pc.data1}}</td>
<td>{{ pc.data2}}</td>
<a><button class="btn btn-info btn-xs showDetail" href="{{ path('detailsPointsComptage', {'id': pc.id }) }}">Detail</button></a>
<a href="{{ path('editPointsComptage', {'id': pc.id }) }}"><button class="btn btn-warning btn-xs">Edit</button></a>
{% endfor %}
<dialog id="window" title="detail pc"></dialog>
I am using FOSJsRoutingBundle, in order to use route with ajax method.
When I click on the detail button, it returns me in a dialog tag with all detail I need.
This is the javascript code in order to retuns me the details in a dialog window:
// dialog window behavior
(function() {
var dialog = document.getElementById('window');
// Array of the buttons.
var showButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('showDetail');
// Event handler
var showDialog = function() {
// Now you have to use the show button as base , to find the data you want to display...
var i, len = showButtons.length;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
showButtons[i].onclick = showDialog;
//jax with FOSJsRouting
$('.showDetail').click(function() {
type: "GET",
'url': Routing.generate('detailsPointsComptage', {'id': $(this).val()}),
'success': function(loadDetail) {
Following the documentation, I expose my route to true argument in app/config/config.yml
routes_to_expose: [ detailsPointsComptage ]
And to be sure in my routing.yml
path: /my/path/to/detail/{id}
defaults: { _controller: MyBundle:MyController:detailsPointsComptage }
methods: GET
expose: true
When i click on the detail button, I have this error:
No route found for "GET /my/path/to/detail"
In the browser, with right click I can inspect all element. On the console tab I have this:
<button class="btn btn-info btn-xs showDetail"
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Indeed, if I follow the link http://localhost/symfony/web/my/path/to/detail
, I have the error of route not found for GET, but if I write this url http://localhost/symfony/web/my/path/to/detail/1
it returns me the right view.
Where am I wrong?
Your route needs the id
parameter, it is required, so this behaviour is normal.
The problem is that your $(this).val()
doesn't return the id
as you expect, you should do something like this instead, since the route is already generated in the href
attribute of your button :
$('.showDetail').click(function() {
type: "GET",
'url': $(this).attr('href'),
'success': function(loadDetail) {
return false;
NB : using href for a <button>
doesn't really make any sense, you should use a <a>
(or use another attribute like data-link
for instance) :
<a class="btn btn-info btn-xs showDetail" href="{{ path('detailsPointsComptage', {'id': pc.id }) }}">Detail</a>