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Grails default memory settings in IntelliJ

I am using Grails 2.5.1 and Java 8 with IntelliJ 14.1.4. Whenever I run any grails command (eg: clean) using the Grails Run Target (Ctrl+Alt+g), IntelliJ executes the below command:

C:\iDocs\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\java -Dgrails.home=C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1 -Dbase.dir=C:\iDocs\xxxx -Dtools.jar=C:\iDocs\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\lib\tools.jar -Dgroovy.starter.conf=C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1/conf/groovy-starter.conf -Xmx768M -Xms768M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m -Djline.WindowsTerminal.directConsole=false -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -classpath C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1\lib\org.codehaus.groovy\groovy-all\jars\groovy-all-2.4.4.jar;C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1\dist\grails-bootstrap-2.5.1.jar --main org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli.GrailsScriptRunner --conf C:\iDocs\Programs\grails-2.5.1/conf/groovy-starter.conf "clean -plain-output"

Can anyone give me the location for this VM configuration (highlighted above) that I can edit, especially the PermSize and MaxPermSize?

UPDATE: Note: a) Adding it to VM options on Run Target window doesnt modify it. b) Adding it to the VM options of IntelliJ executeable (idea64.exe.vmoptions) also doesnt work.


  • I contacted the IntelliJ support and unfortunately, it is not supported by the IDE. An issue has been created to track the same:

    If anyone is facing the same issue, please upvote the issue created (IDEA-145433) and comment in there.