// Arg0 - Map, Arg1 - X, Arg2 - Y, Arg3 - Distance, Arg4 - MaxDistance
var xx,yy,dist, x1, y1, dir, maxdist, obj, res, map;
map = argument0
x1 = argument1
y1 = argument2
dir = argument3
maxdist = argument4
dist = 0
do {
xx = x1+round(lengthdir_x(dist,dir))
yy = y1+round(lengthdir_y(dist,dir))
} until(block_isSolid(map_get_block(map,xx,yy)) or dist>maxdist)
if !block_isSolid(map_get_block(map,xx,yy)) {
return false
} else {
res = ds_list_create()
return res
There's the function. lengthdir_x/y
is sin/cos(dir)*dist
Don't yell at me for putting the C tag on there. The languages are very very similar, to the point where I could almost copy this straight in.
Right, formalities done: This current algorithm will sometimes go diagonally (Where both x and y change by one in either sign), but I wish it not to do this.
Current: (Where X is the ray casted)
xoooo oxooo ooxoo oooxo oooox
xxooo oxxoo ooxxo oooxx oooox
Make sense?
Please help.
delta is a float and is the x-distance of an virtual secound "ray"(should be around 1.0f - 2.0f, just experimentate)
Delta should not be less than the size of a single pixel in the map.
do {
xx = x1+round(lengthdir_x(dist,dir))
yy = y1+round(lengthdir_y(dist,dir))
} until(block_isSolid(map_get_block(map,xx,yy)) || block_isSolid(map_get_block(map,xx + delta,yy)) or dist>maxdist)