I am using canvasjs to display report chart.. now I am making a multiple report that will sort in. I have this code: PHP
foreach($report as $rid){
$arr = getReportValue($rid);
$canvas_bar_datas = '';
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$dsdate = strtotime($key);
$dsdate = date('Y-m-d',$dsdate);
$dddate = explode("-",$key);
$mmonth = $dddate[1] - 1;
$canvas_bar_datas .= '{ x: new Date('.$dddate[0].', '.$mmonth.', '.$dddate[2].'), y: '.$value.',},';
window.onload = function () {
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
text: "Top Oil Reserves"
data: [
dataPoints: [
<?php echo $canvas_bar_datas; ?>
now in my graph it looks like this:
is it possible that I can sort the x axis label ?
for now it looks like
Jan 11 2015, Feb 01 2015, Feb 22 2015... Apr 05 2015, Apr 26 2015...
is it possible that I can make the labeling like:
Jan 2015, Feb 2015, ... Apr 2015, Jun 2015...
I want to show only the month and the year of the graph and it will be sorted accordingly and no duplicate of the label.
I also tried the interval
parameter of the graph but it seems it is int
and base on reports counting.
any idea about this?
I get it now.. this solves the issue:
axisX:{intervalType: "month", interval:1}